Q is non-existent in Turkish


January 2021

Published within the publication of ,

The publication titled Re: [aap_2019], produced in conjunction with the inaugural edition of the Arter Research Programme that took place between October 2019 and July 2020, follows the trajectory of the individual research of participants and the collective experience shared throughout the programme.During the 10-month-long programme, participants took a collective turn towards working on the publication. They decided to create ten different drive folders, one for each month, to which each participant uploaded multimedia content. At the end of this process, each participant became the editor of a specific month, engaging with borrowed content in a loose and creative manner.

I allowed myself to delve into each folder, appropriating images, texts, and even final projects from other participants for the publication. My autofictional text was led by these materials, often using them as footnotes whose functions shift throughout the text. Although the text is self-contained, it was guided by the works of others, aligning with the conceptual framework of this fictional story.

The story follows a first-person narration of my time as an intern at the Schwules Museum. I explored the museum's archives, stayed in the now-vacant apartment of a recently deceased board member, and examined his personal objects both at home and within the museum's collection. The presence of the first ghostly host unearth to the appearance of another. This text is an experiment where footnotes take over the body, a narrative on leaky queer archives, a collection of orgy with guests, ghosts, and hosts.

Arter Research Programme 2019-2020 Participants: Alper Turan, Ayşe İdil İdil, Deniz Aktaş, Eser Epözdemir, Ezgi Tok, Gizem Karakaş, Neslihan Koyuncu Bali, Nora Tataryan, Sarp Renk Özer.

300 pages, 16.5 x 24 cm
Turkish | English
ISBN 978-605-69490-7-4
Edited by: İz Öztat and Merve Ünsal
Translated into English by: Ekin Can Göksoy, Çağla Özbek, Aslı Seven, and Merve Ünsal
Design: Okay Karadayılar and Ali Taptık (Onagöre)